Issue 13, Page 7
1: Melissa is finishing with the binding she’s putting on Julia’s arm.
Caption: 4 months ago.
Melissa: You’re gonna need an actual doctor to look at this.
Julia: What, haven’t you got your doctorate yet?
Melissa: Strangely enough, they don’t cover broken arms much in the Astronomy department.
2: Julia looks away, ears folded.
Julia: I’m… sorry, Mel.
Melissa: It’s fine, really. I’m sorry for getting mad, I was just so worried about you.
3: Melissa looks away, embarrassed.
Melissa: I, heh… I worry about you a lot… I mean, not just when we’re running around in caves.
Julia (off-panel): What, me? What’s to worry about?
4: Melissa leans in looking stern.
Melissa: You mean besides unleashing a gross space monster that attacked a science facility?
Julia, you got me to talk about all my issues and everything that’s happened to me, but you won’t say a word about anything that’s happened to you.
Julia (off-panel): You know what I’ve seen, it doesn’t matter-
Melissa: You saw people die. You can’t just brush that aside.
5: Julia looks away, brow furrowed.
Talking always helps! Clears your mind, gets things off your chest no matter how dumb you think it is and generally makes you feel better and helps get things in order.