Issue 26, Page 28
1: Jackson produces a phone from his coat.
Jackson: Njeri? Jackson.
2: The unconscious body of “Okpara” is seen – her concealed disguise device, now broken, has revealed her secret reptilian body. Still dressed in her clothes, the lizard’s head is adorned with a wide crest of feathers. She is a Kae-Kariin, the ancient race of reptiles previously discovered underground.
Jackson: I need you to come to Ms. Okpara’s apartment, immediately.
…is her tail supposed to be missing
Ummhhh … reference to them *usually having* tails, please … ?
Personally, I wonder why someone with a holo disguise able to totally conceal the *body*’s features would bother to wear the actual, formal *clothing* of the disguise, rather than putting on some “mission equipment” (*larger* blade?) and letting the hologram do the rest …
^all have tails
Per the transcript, she’s part of the same ancient species as the one in Issue 11, page 24. They definitely have a tail normally.
Ah, thanks.
Of course, if she(?) were to have either a massive tail or bulky equipment merely concealed by that device, putting on and off that hazmat suit tailored for the *real* Okpara in front of others would present some unique problems … so … body modification(s) as required for the job?
(Black Idol: “Let me help with that! :-D”)
I highly doubt it is official canon(But I think it should be), but I like to imagine that many people on this Anthro Earth have no real need for tails, as many ‘feral’ races only use them to support with balance and body language, both of which have been made obsolete due to their humanization, aka more rigidly upright posture and evolved vocal cords able to create complex spoken dialects. That said, this means there is probably a large and robust field of medicine dedicated to amputating tails in people who simply do not wish to have them, in much the same way that WE practice circumcisions.
Also the argument to wear ‘normal’ clothes under the disguise ‘field’ makes sense when you realize that this has ALWAYS been the way it goes, which leads me to believe it is less a hologram field, and more some kind of polymorphic field inciting temporary physiological changes on the outside, using some hyper advanced science our limited understanding has no way to comprehend yet.
You know the ancient aliens have a VERY different thought process from us when we look at disguise tech and think personal holograms are the way, and they think controlled shapeshifting is better(and it is).
Hey, I wondered when she would turn up again.
Who is Njeri?
(See issue 13, page 3.)
Cool. thanks. 🙂