Issue 5, Page 14
1: Anthony drinks his coffee at his station.
2: In one of the cameras, we see a tube that should contain a sample of the Black Idol instead contains a naked fox woman with a sandy colored coat pressed up against the glass. She wears heavy eyeliner and a traditional Egyptian hairstyle.
3: The bat suddenly leans forward, staring.
4: We see just the samples of the idol, looking nothing like a fox or a woman.
5: Anthony rubs his eyes.
6: We see one of the scientists, an armadillo, in the lab observing the experiment, taking notes.
7: We see his clipboard: scribbled over a technical readout are sketchy drawings of the idol and writhing tentacles.
Discussion (2) ¬
Hmm, cute traditional Egyptian girl? Is that what he’s into, or is this being using memories from a long-ago freedom?