Issue 23, Page 3
1: Through the drone’s camera, its GUI showing scientific stats and readings, the ceiling above is seen to shift and writhe as an arm, tipped with a long, thick spike, pulls itself from the wall.
2: It strikes down hard, right into the camera. The recording glitches and stutters before it dies out.
3: The GUI reads errors and “CONNECTION LOST” over a blank, black screen.
4: In a dark, black night, the window of an apartment shines out from the darkened facade of the building.
Cairo, 2038
Considering that it takes Light a few seconds to go to the moon and back … about 1.3 seconds … the ping time should be a minimum of 2600 … 1300 to reach, 1300 to return … then add in a bit more delay for interference and data-loss… 3000 to 5000 ms latency would be more accurate.
Still nothing compared to the latency they have to deal with on Mars. Its minutes in that case, isn’t it?
… I would’ve taken it as the (last received) ping’s sequence number, rather than the RTT …
I assume it’s a Stargate type situation where they’re relaying data via the portal
The portal closed behind it! SO they can’t. The MS are just wrong cuz I don’t know any better.