Issue 20, Page 28
The persistence of memory.
1: From within a dark tunnel, we see a dimly lit slope of old, gray dirt, lit from above. Dust and small rocks shower downwards.
Julia (off-panel): shitshitshit fuck
2: Julia, dressed as she was in Issue #10 in the insulated underground suit, painfully tumbles to the ground, rolling in the dirt.
[BlackFennec] (Narrating): Where has self reliance ever gotten you?
Julia: Rrrff…
3: Clutching her arm, she gets to her feet, grimacing but looking out curiously.
[BlackFennec]: What has it brought besides pain?
4: Through a dark tunnel beyond her, sunlight is seen through the shapes of rocks and bramble.
5: Julia peeks out from the cave, into what looks to be sunlight, walking away without any interaction with Melissa and Rhoda.
6: She sees herself: a younger Julia, on the ground in a desert, crying and clutching her leg in jeans and a t-shirt. This seems to be another memory from her past.
Now I AM confused.
Who is that in the sand?
Is that Julia, in a pink shirt, or is that someone else?
Probably Young Julia from a different memory
Oh. I see. Thanks! 😀
I was guessing that it was Rhoda since Rhoda is looking for Julia. This is Julia’s headspace, so maybe everyone looks like Julia in here?
Cool. 😀
I think the Julia with headlamp in this is the one who fell down in the cave under the library in the first exploration. Second one… not sure, looks younger? Definitely not a cave suddenly.
I think That they are different aspects of her splintered personality, i.e the headlamp one is her courage or self reliance, the pink shirt is her innocence, etc.
Our Girl is putting herself back together and fighting
That’s why they’re a social species. Friends and family are there to help you along the way. Even if life makes no sense at the time.
I wonder how much support “Sedjet” had, growing up. It might explain why he has this particular stance in this “argument”. We know he had a crush on a guy when he was younger. We know he ended up becoming a super important researcher much later.
Maybe his family was tougher on him, abusive? Or, maybe they were nonexistent. Could certainly make him colder and less likely to want to be “himself”.
In the next page or two that shows Julia/”Sedjet”, I think one of two things will happen.
1. Julia will accept “Sedjets” side of the argument, before being forcefully removed from TOWC by Rhoda’s tree demon friend.
2. Julia will say what she thinks or believes in, regardless of what “Sedj” has said, before being pulled out.
Something that still worries me though: What will it mean for her, coming back? Is she just going to be a soul, floating around, or will she FINALLY get her old body back? If so, where’s the mass for it come from? Demon magic? Black Idol goo being reprogrammed into that particular form? Heck, for all I know, she shares a body with Rhoda or takes the cheetahs body!
“In this performance of ‘Plato’s Cave’, I will be playing the cave.”
Hee hee hee!
Just as long as I don’t have to be the “screw”, in an Archimedes’ Screw! 😀
“What has it brought besides pain?”
That’s fun. 😀
Has Sedjet/the monster seen the film, “The Rocky Horror Picture Show”?
One song, in the film, says: “but he never caused her nothing but shame!” 😀
Ooooh, I’m rather digging time/dimensional travel in your own head to help yourself. That’s so RARELY done!