Issue 20, Page 26
Sounds a little familiar…
1: Julia is on her back, laying on the bed of squirming black mass. Beside her, the humanoid form sits again, skin a glossy black, its hair long and tethered deep into the bed between the fang-like protrusions. This body seems to be a mix of Sedjet and Julia: Julia’s hair and bust, but Sedjet’s long ears and lithe frame.
[BlackFennec]: It’s just instinct, after all.
2: The black canid lords over the defeated Julia, eyes bright red.
[BlackFennec]: What do we want... what we need, deep down?
We eat. We breed. We survive. That’s it.
3: The canine swings a leg over the laid down Julia, straddling her. Her hair is still very long, thick and corded, extended down into the mass of tentacles. Her expression, however, looks almost concerned.
[BlackFennec]: What are we below all that?
We’re waveforms… tiny pinpricks of mathematical fluctuation in space.
We attract and repel: just quarks, atoms, molecules…
…clustering together and ricocheting.
4: She has laid down atop the other Julia, hands on her, bodies dripping into one another. Julia seems to comfort the hybrid creature.
[BlackFennec]: That’s βlifeβ, this masquerade: ripples of space pretending to be alive.
We’re just the Black Mass, disguised, trying to be individuals.
We are hunger. We are gravity. It’s all we are, deep down.
Interesting how in a few panels she goes from ominous, to monstrous, then looking awkward and unsure, then all but weeping! Nobody wants to be a hive-mind of one, what is the point of being one is there is only one to begin with? If you woke up from a dream, and found everyone else was still sleeping, you’d feel lonely too.
Sedjet looking suddenly female, and considering the last page that looks like he is being deliberately manipulative, drawing from her memory the partner she wants.
All that beating down of how terrible existence is, without actually offering a solid reason why the alternative is better, makes this look like some psiop brainwashing attempt.
Yeah, Sedj has “grown” π
… but stays hung up on the “that’s ALL we are” thing. Dude, either quit the escapism or die already.
Fun thing: on most normal LCD monitors, the middle panel, viewed at a certain angle from below, has Sedj completely disappear into black, except the eyes π
I at first thought Sedjet (when I first started reading this comic) was a girl. Maybe he is secretly transgender? Or maybe he (or TOWC using him as a disguise) is taking that appearance to try to manipulate Julia, if the latter is lesbian and not bisexual.
*Types for a moment*
… The qualifications for living things are, 1. Being made up of cells, 2. All the cells, tissues, etc being organised, 3. Interacting with matter and energy, therefore getting food, 4. Responding to stimuli, 5. Being capable of evolving and adapting, 6. Repdroducing, producing offspring, 7. Growing and developing. All that stuff. As for everyone “pretending” to be alive, “pretending” to be individuals, that’s just getting theoretical, philosophical.
I see you’re taking some notes “Sedjet”. Got some new curves. Smart…
You can juuust make out bits of the ground gripping onto body, and… Nooo, the violet is gone!
That definition is sufficient for organic, flesh and blood beings, but I would argue that any entity capable of independent thought is alive, even if it doesn’t meet all of those criteria.
I would argue back,
“So what if we are ‘all waveforms…tiny pinpricks of mathematical fluctuations in space’? Does that change the fact that life can be enjoyable, if you live it right?”
The problem is she doesn’t even want to argue. They’re both arguing the same side.
It’s definitely worrying, seeing Julia act like this in this situation.
However, while the two of them do seem to want to mesh together at the moment, the tone they give off in their individual words, are quite different.
On the one hand, “Sedjet” has acted ecstatic, existential. They know what they know, so they want to practically scream it out into the world for all to hear. Probably since he’s been searching for these answers for so long, and now he might just have ALL of them.
Meanwhile, Julia had to be manipulated, a lot perhaps, relieving an old make-out session, and remembering that she may not have had friends as a kid. So, hers leans more towards feeling weak, small, wanting to be with others because of it.
Maybe it will change how the two of them proceed to change in this story. Maybe not.
That’s right…unnamed monster!
We’re all just hungry, fat people.
Sign me up now! π
Look at all the white, pointy things.
Looks like some [boning] has been going on. π