Issue 19, Page 23
1: Julia has her head tucked into crossed arms, looking away, tentacle growths pulsing on her head.
Sedjet (off-panel): Julia? I’d really like you to talk to me today.
I know you don’t sleep.
2: Sedjet perks up and looks surprised as Julia groans.
Julia: Hhhh…
3: Julia has approached Sedjet, standing with the thick glass between them, she speaks with an alien distortion.
Sedjet: If you want to to see Melissa , you have to work with me. You have to talk.
Julia: …
Sedjet: Julia. You remember your name, right?
Do you remember mine?
Julia: Kgl… hh… Ju…lia.
Sedjet: Yes… Yes! That’s you.
How do you feel?
4: A stark shot of Julia standing. Hair a mess and hanging low, toothy maw dripping.
Julia: Hungry.
5: Julia clutches her middle, bent over slightly as she speaks with an alien tone and staggered cadence.
Julia: We’re… starving.
We… I…
can’t… so very hungry…
All the time.
Well it’s a start I guess
Yup…. I wonder what she wants to eat??!!!
Okay… this is now spooky… and *entirely* awesome. This sort of scene is what makes me enjoy horror somethings. It’s creepily fascinating to learn about ‘the monster’.
Her last memory was of being starving and thirsty so she’d potentially be fixated on that.
I’m guessing she/they is/are not hungry just for food (unless they haven’t been feeding her/them anything ). Perhaps she/they is/are “hungry” in a broad sense of the word. If I were a scientist studying a being such as the Black Idol / The One Who Crawls, I would postulate that it is not a simple creature with (only) simple desires. Perhaps it has not been able to adequately translate its desires into (for lack of a more accurate word, since there appears to be no actual Homo sapiens in this comic) human language. Or perhaps it doesn’t expect that they will understand or allow its desires to be fulfilled. I eagerly await the next page, to know what it desires.
I will be extremely put off with the researchers if it turns out they weren’t feeding her AT ALL. She’s mostly unconverted, after all.
I mean, it’s already a colossal fail on their part that they hadn’t given her any damn distraction. Book, movie, anything.
But something else takes precedence before any of that:
I would have bet anything that she’s alone there. Any converted mass not only was her own, but developed from an inactive state in an environment with possibly no other minds for light years around.
Maybe they don’t know what they hunger for.