Issue 7, Page 2
“Cock holster” still stands as my favorite slang that Tsumi found for this issue and it’s maybe my favorite line of dialogue in the entire comic.
1: The sparrow pulls up a chair to sit down.
Francis: Ah, well sir, my name is Francis Costgrove, and I represent the Auburn Gazette.
Ikal (off-screen): Lotsa places called “Auburn” I reckon.
Francis: Auburn, California, sir.
2: Ikal relaxes back in his chair. A wide-hipped avian girl, red-bellied woodpecker, approaches the table with a pitcher of beer: she wears a long skirt and silk-collared bodice.
Ikal: Hrm… You come a long way to talk to a stoved up old bull like me.
3: Ikal is jostled from his relaxed position as she leans over him to refill him.
Scarlet: Hon, you ain’t a month over 24. Cut the dramatic talk.
4: He settles back down, adjusting his hat dramatically.
Ikal: Ignore that, Scarlet’s no flair for story-tellin’.
5: Francis pulls a pen and a pad of paper out from his coat.
Francis: I am, um, here to ask about an event two years ago at Spearmont Pass.
Ikal: Spearmont Pass?
Refresh my memory…
6: The woodpecker calls out from behind the bar..
Scarlet: He’s talkin’ about that whoppin monster you fought.
Ikal: Shut yer cock holster will ya? I am tryin’ to set up a captivating tone for this here newspaper man!
Scarlet: Don’t take that tone with me you plucked turkey, or I’ll boot ya right out into the gutter muck!
An’ get those dirty claws off my tables!
24 months old, 2 years, how did he fight it if he was 0 months/years old.
probably meant he aint a month over 24 years of age /shrug