Issue 25, Page 24
1: The two get to the bottom of a ramp. To the left is a series of statues kept under veiled glass cases.
Lea: Statues?
Feyman: I read about items from previous iterations of the temple being kept down here.
2: Lea has pulled a tarp off a statue to reveal the avian form of Labev-Ra, a precursor ibis deity that was later combined into the modern Zalef-‘abev. The statue is safe in a glass case that had been covered with a tarp.
Lea: Labev-Ra… this is old, old Egyptian…
3: Close-up of the statue’s face of polished stone.
Zara: Another appropriated Egyptian artifact…
Lea: I think this is the god that would later be integrated into Zalef-‘abev, but I’ve never seen him portrayed like this.
He feels like Zalef, but he’s this different creature…
Zara: If a god changes so much, over the course of history… is it still the same god?
4: Lea squints at Zara as she thinks. As if seen through the eyes of the statue, the reflection of Labev-Ra is cast over her.
Zara: Make sure to cover that back up.
5: Klein begins to draw the veil back over the box (and, thus, the viewer) but pauses to look at her hand.
6: She pulls the veil over, hiding herself behind cloth from the viewer.
Is it possible to ship of theseus a god?
Now THIS is an interesting thought experiment, given how much has changed in religions over the centuries…
Oh geez!
I guess- she’s nervous about touching this [statue of a god], because the last time see put her hand on a “god”, meaning the Black Idol, she was absorbed like a snowball in a hot pond! Wow.