Issue 21: Cover
Join us in an exploration of Earth’s history with Mars and how they learned to contact across the vast gulf of space. This is a fun, simple 29-page issue to lighten the tone after that big, dark story. Don’t worry, Julia and Melissa WILL return, but don’t they deserve a vacation?
Researching this cover was an interesting affair because there wasn’t as much speculative art on Martian life as I expected. William R. Leigh’s illustrations for H. G. Wells article provided the major inspiration, as did the illustrations for the 1835 “Great Moon Hoax” articles. I snuck in some influences from Hélène Smith, who claimed to communicate telepathically with Martians via seance. Also always enjoy the excuse to do things in the art nouveau style~
Oh, this looks *delightful!* I can’t wait to see how this goes, even if it’s mostly ‘instructional’.
All I can say is yes
Cover design makes me think of those old Spelljammer comic books from way back when. Had the entire series up until my basement flooded.
My condolences on your collection’s loss.