
1: A starry night over the Egyptian desert, a road snakes through the desert lit by streetlights. On the horizon is a stern and featureless wall that shows only the tips of a few buildings from Cairo in the distance.

2: Melissa lays a blanket out on the sand-stone walkway of the wall, she’s wearing a gray hoodie, a different day to her first official visit.

Julia (off-panel): Gods… lot more stairs than I remember…

Feel like I was trapped in a hospital for half a year.

3: Huffing, Julia is wheeling a cooler over, she wears a purple blouse and her hair in a french braid.

Melissa (off-panel): I told you I could get it.

Julia: And I… hff... told you I got it…

4: She sits beside Melissa on the blanket, both of them look happy but anxious. Past them, we see the nighttime horizon.

Julia: Aah… that fresh air…