Issue 20, Page 1
1: The panel is black.
Julia (narrating): How did you do it, Sedjet?
Can you hear me?
I can hear you.
2: Down a long hallway, Vidali scrambles out of a door.
3: Xijo stumbles behind her, as a cloud of dust, debris, and writhing tentacles blasts out behind him.
Julia (narrating): I can see what you see. I hear what you hear.
I know where you are.
4: Through distorted, red vision, we see the Sedjet creature’s point of view as Xijo stumbles to his feet.
5: The panel is black again.
Sedjet (narrating): I hear you too.
I’m so… hungry.
Well I think we know now why the Idols always try to consume people. But why are they so hungry?
But they don’t consume, they absorb, the author said it about four or so pages ago. So they’re not actually in any danger, right?
(I should have left the /s tag in there but . . . figured it might be implied.)
I would say they’re in danger of loosing their individuality by becoming part of the idol.
I really liked the doc there.
I can hope, but sadly yeah…
Dang, an awful awful containment breach..
and THIS is why you make sure your radiation chamber has reinforced shielded walls
also, isn’t the fennic doc now exposed to the latent radiation again? won’t he revert?
Hmm…given these revelations, I have so many questions. Is it all the people/creatures on Earth or just the mammalian ones? We haven’t seen birds affected by the idol yet. Only mammals.
And what about our Martian friend? We know there was an idol on the moon…but how and why and who left it there? Was it the lizard/dinosaur aliens? Was it the insectoid aliens? And where do the Martians fit in? They look a bit mammalian, but not entirely. Are they also part of the Black Idol, like Sedjet?
Perhaps the “hunger” is an instinct to join together into one entity—a desire to become whole.
Please Issac. Make us whole.
I couldn’t help myself, really, after your comment.
More speculation:
In Issue 6, Page 16, The (Black) Cat in the (Black Suit and) Hat stated that the BI was “the only god to have ever been born as living flesh”. If that is true, then maybe the other gods grew jealous of it, tore it to pieces, and scattered them throughout the universe, those pieces eventually evolving into the anthro races of today. Or it did that to itself, in order to make it harder for the other gods to kill it, and/or to become smarter or more powerful.
We will really feel like as whole once we are all “united”? Or our desire to become one will ever be satisfied? It only sounds like a vicious cycle because at the end you will become one by oneself, alone with voices echoing your own without any sense of individuality. Solitude will once again happen at the end if you think about it.