Issue 16, Page 26
1: Bassi has his helmet off. Eyes shut, he’s huffing at the air.
Bassi: That’s so much better… The air is warming up.
2: Melissa is concentrating as she manipulates the computer’s symbols.
Melissa: You were right, now that the power’s on, there are a lot more options here… I think I can figure this out, if I can just remember it right…
???: <Comm static hisses>
3: Njeri looks around nervously.
Njeri: Say again, Melissa?
Melissa: That wasn’t me.
4: Kasun bounds into the room.
Kasun: There’s an emergency! We… we need to… to do something!
5: Karpati approaches Kasun.
Karpati: Doctor Kasun! Where’s your group, where’s the commander? What happened?!
Kasun: We were attacked! It… it was-
6: Julia, panting, stabilizes herself, looking tired and forlorn as she rushes in the low gravity.
Julia: It’s the Black Idol…
yeah the suits are something to get used to.. neck seal, tail seals, enter through the back.. bound to be uncomfortable. what looks like thin construction to save money…
Large chest control unit and computer. gauntlets with status and control screens… they would get annoying to use if your not trained to use it…