Issue 27, Page 23
1: Rhoda, still grinning even as Julia’s fist maintains a grip on her clothes.
Rhoda: You think she’ll come back?
Would you come back, knowing what you know?
If you could truly be free of the thing that all of you are inside…
Would you actually return to these bodies with their roots so dark?
Julia: I did!
Rhoda: Did you?
2: Julia lets go of Rhoda and steps back. Her expression has broken down further into a mild fear.
3: Seen from behind, Melissa is approaching Julia holding a pair of coats. Her pistol is slung into the back of her pants. In the background. Julia is speaking to Rhoda, both of them lit from behind by the hut’s open door.
Julia: What are we?
What are all of us, really, on the inside?
Whoever or whatever you are… you must know.
4: Rhoda is straightening her robe and turning around.
Rhoda: Oh, my sweet girls…
5: Rhoda speaks over her shoulder.
Rhoda: The truth would break your heart.
6: She leaves them there outside in the dark. Julia does not move from staring into the now closed door, even as Melissa drapes her in a coat.
Rhoda: Better get going, you two.
Tazim did not answer Julia’s first question (*where* is Rhoda). He/they are beating around the bush. Perhaps Tazim is intimidated by Julia, or her patron deity (the one Julia was able to call on, after being given the semi-metaphorical key by Rhoda (after the latter made the deal with Tazim), which allowed her (Julia) to break free from the Black Idol), and doesn’t want to answer. And it looks to me like Julia *was* able to return to her body, so I think Tazim suggesting otherwise is just him/them trying to distract or discourage Julia—unless that’s *not* what actually happened.
We saw what happened, Rhoda Left their Dimension for another plane of Existence, where her body was not required. And Tazim took over her body to make it look like Rhoda was still there.
I was referring to the events Issue 20, Page 32 and following. Correction to my previous comment: Julia *rebuilt her body*, versus *returned to it*.
Oh sorry My Bad…
When *I* ask a question, *I* expect an answer (unless it’s personal/private information that’s none of my business).
So what. Are they talking about the *purpose* of the Black Idol? Like. I don’t even know why anymore. Why are they all so poetic and philosophical and shit. It’s like Julia skipped *something* and asked a random-ass question. If I were her, I’d be KNOWING and focusing on how I’m the Black Idol :/?? WHY IS SHE ASKING ABOUT SOMETHING SHE ALREADY KNOWS?? I— idk. if i were the black idol, idgaf what the *purpose* of my existence is. I’m at peace enough to be like “shit happens. damn.”
She might know that she’s the Black Idol, but that doesn’t mean she actually understand much at all about it. Unanswered questions include:
1. Where did the Black Idol come from?
2. How’d it get separated into anthros in the first place?
3. Who’s responsible for that?
It’s understandable that Julia would want to know the answers to those questions. It has to eat at her, knowing her true nature but knowing so little about the thing she truly is. But I think what she truly wants to know is the answer to the question Tazim posed. Did she, a discrete being, actually come back? Or is she just a copy, a recreation of a dream, created by some alien process she barely understands? She thought she did. But Tazim knows more than her, and she doesn’t trust what he’s saying part of her has to wonder if he’s being truthful there.
I’m REAL curious about Tazim’s deal here… there’s more that they haven’t mentioned, either to Rhoda or to Julia and Mel…
Yeah, that’s right, Kick Julia in the Teeth when she’s down.. Now we know the truth! After she spent all that time and Resources trying to Find Rhoda.
Are we free, or are we stuffed in a Hellish nightmare of our Own making, and only the Devout are Free at the End of it all? (Trouble with lambs is that they are pampered before the slaughter) She knows, Not She Knows 😉
“Mild fear” is a hell of a way to describe someone who just had her entire personhood called into question and very much looks it.
Like hearing “Monsters? They look like monsters, to you?” and understanding the implication is correct.