Issue 24, Page 7
1: Julia stands facing a series of shelves in the basement pantry. Jackson stands near her.
2: Julia has lifted open a secret panel in the wall and pressed her hand, glove removed, to a scanning pad.
3: The three emerge from a short hallway into the new Order of the Black Dog HQ, a room cluttered with various computers and collections of old books. Several large monitors hang over a central meeting table, and many computers rest hidden in a recessed section of the wall.
Jackson: I like what you’ve done with the place. Cozy.
Julia: We uh… well, we had to securely store all the old Order’s files, and stuff…
Mel: Julia just wanted a high-tech sci-fi room.
Julia: It’s a literal childhood dream!
Let’s be honest: everyone wants a secret room in their home.
I mean, I could go for a hidden room like this! That’s COOL!
Why does Julia wear gloves? is she afraid of spies getting her fingerprints, or something?
It could be that. It could be the otherworldly knowledge she possesses that every single person on the planet is really just a sentient skin-shell for seperate Black Idles that want to be whole again, and thus refusing to directly touch most people(or even objects).
Imagine having Ekbom’s Syndrome, and then getting validation that what you fear is 254% real and dangerous, then crank it up to 11.
Or she just doesn’t want the Feds, who she sort of works for, to get her fingerprints. Again.
I see, thanks! 🙂
Man! That would be a nasty, physical memory to deal with. Dang.