Issue 18, Page 23
1: Vidali backs up, holding out her hands.
Vidali: Sedj, you’re not about to talk too crazy at us are you?
Sedjet (off-panel): No, no… please, I’m clean, I’m free of it.
But listen…
2: Sedjet has his hands up, pleading with the two to listen.
Sedjet: There is something to this that we don’t have the science to understand. We could spend our entire lives breaking it down, taking readings, running experiments…
3: The group discuss together in the lounge.
Sedjet: But you can’t understand how an animal acts, its motivations, by studying its blood.
Vidali: Then what should we do?
That thing can fuck us up just by us looking at it.
Sedjet: Yes, but… I think there’s a way around that.
We need to talk to it.
4: Xijo squints, curiously.
Xijo: Reports indicate the creature cannot communicate.
5: Sedjet looks away.
Sedjet: I think Specimen 5 can.
Specimen 5? Julia? Oh dear…
Yup you got it…. in one