Issue 17, Page 30
We can do this.
1: Julia kneels before the pool of water, bent low, only in her underwear and a tank top. Her clothing sits on the rock next to the helmet, drying in the sun, having been wet and washed.
2: Julia lifts up, staring determined forward. Water drips off her face, her mouth and unbraided hair.
3: She begins sealing up her suit around her arm again.
4: She looks out into the distance, fully suited with hair tied up, helmet in her hands.
5: Julia puts her helmet on. Crumbling buildings stand around, the sky now more cloudy, with dots of exotic high-flying creatures. The tower to which she has been moving all this time is much closer. She stares at the tower.
You got this, girl!
Atta way, Julia! Looking a LOT better!
Is it just me, or does she looks like some kind of… Amazon queen? 😀
The last panel shows 3 -aliens in the sky. Whether they are coming or going, is of yet ambiguous.
Somehow the first panel shows a LOT: deep relief from thirst,the confining spacesuit…
seems that Animal life are only type that survived the destruction of this world
Hey paul while it is true three aliens are in yhe sky in the last panel they could be no diffrent from our birds, tho intelligent life would be a nice twist
they are probably a type of jellyfish…. considering the Humidity that was reading on her suite computer.
I like the little butterfly looking things in the bottom left. I choose to think they’re more butterflies than birds because they look a little more dainty and frail than a bird.
No no no no no! You have to start a fire first, boil the water, THEN drink it!