Issue 7, Page 6
1: The beasts lunges forward, we see it has two large sets of eyes and three sets of legs, large antennae waving.
2: It headbutts the cart, knocking it over and breaking it the door and its frame inward with a crash.
3: Ikal skids to the ground, drawing his six shooter from under his poncho, resembling a Colt Dragoon.
Ikal (narrating): I had to chase the beast off, so I fed a couple ounces of lead into its side.
4: Ikal shoots, the bullet pings harmlessly off its carapace.
Francis (narrating): You fended it off all on your own?
5: The monster recoils as Maximon rears up to attack it.
Ikal (narrating): All by my lonesome.
6: The bug scurries up the cliff in escape towards the fading sunset.
Lots of little, subtle details in here. Thanks to everyone involved for such an entertaining series.