Issue 7, Page 18
Page 18
1: We see an unearthly plant in the hand of Jocelyn, with the horse’s leg wrapped in wet bandages with the twisted green plant fibers underneath.
2: She stands. Behind her is the grim but determined looking Ikal, his hat knocked off in the fight.
Ikal: I’ve got to get your eggs back.
3: She turns to face him, Ikal looks resolute.
Jocelyn: Ikal, it’s dangerous…
Ikal: Ain’t a liar, Ms. Jocelyn, I made a promise, and I intend to keep it.
Jocelyn: You’ll have to kill her.
Ikal: Sometimes, that’s… what you gotta do.
4: Ikal finds his hat and heads to pick it up.
Ikal: You laid these eggs. They’re your chicks. Don’t care what she’s queen of, no one goes and steals someone’s young.
5: Jocelyn turns from Ikal towards Maximon.
Jocelyn: Your intentions are noble, even if your understanding of our gender hierarchy is limited.
Ikal: My understandin’ of yer what-now?
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