Issue 27, Page 31
1: A close-up of Melissa as she tries to control her breath with the potion kicking in.
2: The background behind her, a dim view of the ruined mall, starts to distort with shapes bleeding together. Her expression intensifies with her effort in focusing, outlines fraying.
3: A side view of her as her color begins to bleed past her outlines, form distorting.
Mel: You… okay, hon?
4: The camera pans to a side view of Julia who, wide eyed, is even more distorted and ill-defined, colors bleeding and branching out like coral.
Julia: Oh, yeah, I’m fuckin’ peachy over here.
5: A view of the two of them distorts more, with colors streaking and running.
Julia: This is… familiar.
Mel: Must be a good sign… Now, concentrate.
Oh… Julia looks *panicked*, that doesn’t bode well.
Ho HO something IS HAPPENING!!!
Just then- Mel puts on a “Grateful Dead” t-shirt, and plays the song, “In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida” by Iron Butterfly, on her smartphone.
The Grateful Dead’s guys say: “Oh YEAHHH! That’s TRIPPY man!”
Julia almost looks like she’s crying.