Issue 25, Page 41
Okay! Last page for a while. I need a break from comics, but the next issue IS pretty close to being written, so it shouldn’t be too long a wait!
1: “Zara”, clutching her metal suitcase close, skulks off to the side of the building. Behind her, the crowd looms.
Reporter: We can now, personally, confirm gunshots heard from within the temple!
The protest has turned violent, with guards deploying tear gas against the crowds as they attempt to force their way inside the temple.
2: Helicopter footage of the crowd shows them writhing in the darkness, pinpricks of phone lights and fires breaking up an otherwise seemingly seamless mass of life around the obelisk’s empty base.
Report: We don’t yet know who is responsible for escalating what started as a peaceful protest, but Vatican Private Security has already requested reinforcements from Rome law enforcement.
This marks the latest of several protests-turned-riots over the past several months, often occurring on full m–News control room: …Ah. Looks like we’ve lost connection with our reporter in the field. Please stay tuned for more coverage as the situation develops.
So are you done wailing on thinly veiled straw men of Catholics yet?
If you don’t like it, read another comic. This story has been over all sorts of politics/religions so far, so you don’t get to complain about it now vaguely alluding to catholicism.
I mean no offense, but please consider: trashing the Catholics might not be a goal of Rebecca’s.
Of course, right now- our two heroes are spying on 1) a large, Catholic-like church, + 2) this Catholic-like church has a huge headquarters, like The Vatican City, but I don’t see the story attacking this fictional church’s god, or telling this fictional church how to be more moral.
I’m guessing that Rebecca has written a Catholic-like church into the story, as a metaphor of- a large + worldwide church.
Such as- in the Star Wars films: Darth Vader + his stormtroopers resemble a dictator + military, [of a WW2, European nation], but I don’t think the writer of Star Wars made Darth Vader or his troops to say- be like this dictator, or even- [don’t] be like this dictator.
Please consider that the fictional church in this chapter, is just a metaphor.
Maybe this fictional group is just a metaphor used to make a powerful story.
indeed. the name of the trope being invoked is what’s called the “crystal dragon jesus” where they make an imaginary religion that has the imagery and ritual of the more familiar christianity but is otherwise meant to be a wholly made up fantasy religion.
overall it’s definitely meant to be a composite of the various conspiracy theories alongside cthulhu mythos.
btw. a better comparison instead of star wars would be the imperium of man from warhammer 40k where it has a composite of a medieval crusaders and spanish inquisition overlayed on top of science fiction…the main religion centered around the “god emperor of man”…also in the same setting there’s the chaos faction which invokes the same trope but with stereotypes of satanism
Thanks. Thanks for the info, too. 😀
I hadn’t heard of the, “crystal dragon jesus” trope. That’s a fun idea.
The “god emperor of man” idea, + the “chaos faction” idea, are fun ideas as well. 😀
Dang, he killed himself?
“Gunshot*S*”, the reporter said … I don’t think that his aim is *that* bad.
True, but on scene reporters do tend to give a little “flair” when they’re live at times