Issue 25, Page 16
1: Lea now kneels before a large wall-mounted screen showing an error message. She has her tech case open
2: Lea is typing. Behind her, before the screen, is a console with buttons, meant as controls.
3: Lea tilts her head to the screen as it now shows a loading bark. The speaker sounds out:
4: Graphics on the screen show a divine osprey pulling a mountain up from the ocean.
Speaker: When Al-Tav dove beneath the ocean, He found the peak of the first mountain. He pulled it up from the water with His talons, and with it formed the lands of the world.
5: A gray rabbit on a white pearl is seen to float above the surface of the water.
Speaker: When I’osha noticed this, She rose out of the depths upon a giant pearl. She would become the mother of all things and, with Al-Tav, would birth all the peoples of the world.
8: Lea is looking over her shoulder at the screen, starting to tear up.
Speaker: Even now, She rests above us in the night sky. She is the moon itself, Mother Rabbit, watching over all Her creations.
9: She stands to leave. She screen now shows a menu:
Considering what’s happening with the moon, I don’t think Al-Tav was a cute little rabbit.
Does Julia/Lea believe in the Gods + Goddesses, shown in this video?
I don’t know.
She’s met at least one of them in the astral plane, and what should have been a many winged angel, was in fact a towering centipede horror… She has seem the true face of her God and was disgusted. But more than that, she was emboldened, empowered in her self of defiance against all the powers which have set out to control her, be they governments or gods or the Black Idol itself.
I see. Thanks! 😀
I’m trying to find these chapters.
In which chapter or chapters did Julia go to an astral plane?
I know she’s had a bad experience, by being grabbed + put into [one?] Black Idol.
I’ve seen her experience the Cthulhu-like monsters, that way.
The place that looks like it’s made of flesh and blood. Such as seen in Issue 20, Page 39.
Great, thank you! 😀
I wonder, Julia she realizes, that when she met the Centipede-looking being, that- the Centipede person never claimed to be any type of a Goddess, or any type of a God.
As in- when you look at Greek Mythology- not everyone who is big…or strong, is a god. Hm.
It’s stuck with me that the centipede thing looked like it was bleeding. I wonder if it was actually injured by something in that strange place.
Ok, perhaps I’m reading too much in, but…
The eyes have been so expressive, with the reflections really nailing home that they are _windows_ into the soul of the person. Julia’s have been the most expressive and open up until this point, reflecting back the world.
Then in that bottom center panel, her eyes look like they are reflecting the Idol infested moon back at the goddess pouring water.
That’s… damned powerful imagry.
My mind slammed to the same thing so hard I got flashbacks of the chapter with the family.
I think either you’re very right, or Rebecca did a clever, brutal thing without even meaning to. Because intentional or not the imagery is *there*.
Oh hey, atop being a reminder of the Idol and all, does the moon below Goddess Bunny in that picture look at all like the Helpful Orb Julia found on the alien world, to anyone else?
I remember running a TTRPG adventure on the ruins of an artificial island floating in a gas giant. The was a curious, mostly dead museum filled with simplified computer interfaces like that. I didn’t know why that’s what I picked up on here; the idea that public-facing interfaces might look cryptic to an alien.