
1: Morning sunlight hits Melissa’s face and she slowly awakens.

2: She rolls over, arm out, to find Julia gone from the bed.

3: Melissa slowly slides open the door to the bathroom.
Mel: Juuuuuliaaa.
Julia: Mmmn?

4: Julia’s silhouette is blurred by the glass of a shower stall.
Mel: Good morning~
Julia: Morning, Kitty.
Mel: I guess this means you remember we’re visiting the hospital today?
Julia: I’ll be ready for it!

4: Mel steps a little closer to the shower, separated from Julia by glass. Julia seems worried, almost recoiling from the door.
Mel: You… want me to join you in there?
Julia: Oh, I’m almost done. I’ll be out for you soon.
Mel: Oh, okay…