Issue 23, Page 4
1: In a small, cluttered work station of computers, models, and books – all tangled in wires – a young man speaks through his headset while typing at his computer. Salvino, Sal for short, is a lowland streaked tenrec of lanky build, his hair-like quills wildly unkempt and dyed green to contrast the otherwise bright yellow stripes across his body. Potted plants keep him company, as does a poster on the wall. Kay speaks to him through his headset.
Sal: You got it?
Kay: Um, yeah, yeah…
What am I looking at, again?
2: His computer screen shows the voice call he’s in. Kay’s online avatar is a stylized drawing of the solar system, while Sal’s is a geometric snake in green and yellow.
Sal: Shipping manifests, tracking numbers, traffic reports… They all show the government shipping things to somewhere in Sudan.
Kay: Mhm, and you… think this is part of the cover-up?
Sal: Yes! It’s just like I’ve been saying, Kay!
Observatories being shut down, factories stopping production, all parts being shipped to secure locations…
Kay: It’s not-
3: By his computer are a lot of books, many of which seem to be about governmental conspiracy and feature declassified reports and documents. A yellow and green snake plush rests atop his books.
Kay: I usually regret asking this, but… okay, Sal… what do you think they’re hiding this time?
4: On the computer screen is a blurry photograph of the lunar surface, showing a dark splotch.
Sal: The moon.
Kay: You said “the moon”, right…
Sal: There’s something on it that they don’t want us to see.
Alien life? A secret base? Is there a pyramid up there?
It’s a media blackout on the moon itself!
Hover text: Ssssssssssssssuspicious.
“The Red Problem”?
(On a side note/question, is there a way to color text?)
Damn commies are ruining the moon
I’m SO glad I was born after all THAT nonsense. So many bad decisions were made back then. I’d elaborate, but this is not the place.
Wait a second… if I zoom in on the censored spot on the moon in the last panel and try scrolling, the image noticeably distorts. What is that? O.o
correction, apparently the whole screen moves differently than the rest of the page! That’s so cool..
That’s not a censored spot, that’s the thing that they’re hiding. That’s a huge spot covered by the Black Idol after it was spread over the area by an explosion. Also, if it’s moving different, it’s probably the type of screen you have, is your screen AMOLED? AMOLED displays blacks really well, but it takes a bit for it to change to a different color from black & can cause wacky distortions, the same distortion is on LED screens too but it’s not as noticeable.