Issue 23, Page 25
1: The labs ground-level facility is now cast in the dark of night.
2: A drone slowly patrols overhead.
3: In the shadow of a small power station, Sal sits hidden and hunched over, eyes glinting, almost serpent-like.
4: He runs, ducked down, a silhouette against the sky, its stars blocked by the glare of distant cities. He carries with him a large backpack.
5: He presses himself against the fence, against the ground.
6: In his hand is seen the small screen that plugs into his satellite dish. It is telling him of a faint nearby targeted signal.
Sneaky adorbs boi who shall bring the end of all things, go!
GO you Precious Cinnamon Bun of the Apocalypse, GO!
I hope Sal doesn’t die, I really like him.
I mean…technically speaking if he’s absorbed by the idol he isn’t dead just…absorbed.
Everything that makes him who he is would still be there. He’d simply be free of the delusion that he’s a separate entity from the rest of himself.
For all intents and purposes, the being we know as Sal would be gone. Even if he managed to get out of it, like Sedjet… We haven’t seen for ourselves how Sedjet is doing, not yet.
Not really. His thoughts and memories would all still be there. He simply be freed of the lie he’s been forced to live his entire life.
See you say these things, and the only thing I see is The End of Evangelion “TANG” sequence playing over and over.
So? They collective souls of humanity for the most part didn’t seem to mind once the 18th Angel became whole again.
That’s how it ends?!?
Certainly explains the chipperness of Komm, Süsser Tod being played as the end credits.
You might continue to try and champion this as a good thing, but we have limited understandings of the cosmic truths involved with all of this. And those who have seen more than us, like Rhoda, are horrified, and are willing to risk everything to stop it from reabsorbing unwilling people.
They may have started as parts of the Black Idol, but they are something different now. I will not cheer their deaths.
I wouldn’t cheer for their deaths either.
what happens on page 24? when i try to load the page it opens up a string of odd characters.
these are said characters
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