Issue 23, Page 21
1: A bagel, smothered in white cream cheese, sits half eaten on a table.
Xijo: I, ah… not aware you were on this project. You had left.
Vidali: I tried to. After all that, I really wanted to just… get far away from all this.
2: Xijo and Vidali sit facing each other on a small tablet. Safe in his room, Xijo is free to breathe and eat without trouble. Vidali has a bagel of her own, but must take her time and use her breather.
Vidali: But they talked me out of it… or back into it, I guess. With Sedjet still under investigation, we’re a little short on experts.
Xijo: There is… progress? For Sedjet Ahmes?
Vidali: He’s recovering, but very slowly. I’d expect some sort of forced retirement.
3: Xijo looks concerned as he speaks.
Xijo: Vidali Dara, I worry of the… methods here.
They make it. They grow more of it for study.
Is that not its… biological imperative? Is that not what it wants?
4: Vidali mirrors his concern, eyebrows furrowed.
Vidali: It worries me too. I have to trust that they know what they’re doing, but you’re right: it’s worrisome. We all know what that thing can do.
But, Doctor, if we continue our experiments, and our studies, it’s all in order to stop it.
5: Xijo leans back and eats more of his bagel.
Xijo: hrmf…
I will… owe you some Martian food, some day. Somehow.
Vidali: I’ll hold you to it!
I hope their world is not like ours… You can bet our military would be looking into weaponizing such a force. And that would get out of hand in a hurry.
Mighty sure the Geneva Convention banned biological weaponry.
And besides, we are selfish pricks, not suicidal.
One could argue we become suicidal because we’re so short-sighted. And the powers that be are perfectly willing to commit secret atrocities. I’d like to think we’d be smart and wise enough not to mess with something so dangerous, but… *gestures at everything*
The sheer level of cute in these pages is ramping up mighty fast, and that’s got me distinctly worried.
Is his apartment full of a Mars-like atmosphere/air?
Is she wearing an oxygen mask, so she can breathe in his apartment?
manuscripts attributed to Robins
Since manuscripts are subject to deterioration
multiplies (see also article
elements (case, binding).
only a few survived.
new texts were rewritten