Issue 21, Page 29
This issue is finished…! I hope you all enjoyed this one.
Next issue is a shorter adventure before the main plot kicks back up. I am hoping to start it soon now that a wrist injury is mostly recovered! Remember to sign up to my Patreon if you want to see pages as early as possible and in high resolution!
1: The fox looked upwards, towards the sky.
2: Seen from farther away, he turns to his left as the pastor approaches, carrying tea.
3: The clear night sky is cloudless and the white stars sharply contrast against the black void of space. There, in the center, is the piercing, blue-green glow of Mars, accompanied by the distant glow of Jupiter.
Issue End
What’s with all the chinese bot posts lately?
I dunno, the anti-spam thing isn’t catching them anymore and I’m not sure how to stop them :[
May I suggest adding a word filter to your comment moderation system if possible? I installed one years ago, when I still had comments on my site, and it caught 95% of all spambots just by using a combination of medicine names, buzzwords, and brand names.
The one I used was “IP Blacklist Cloud”. You can just block spambots by IP address so if they get caught once they will never be able to submit a comment again.
I’ll try that, thanks!
Have you tried installing Akismet spam protection? Ever since I installed that I get almost no spam comments. I’d also recommend BulletProof security if you don’t already have a security plugin for WordPress.
Yup, it worked for years but it’s been useless these past months.
Lotta spambots out there. I get TONS of spam and hack attempts at my website, and I’m not even a blip on the internet compared to this site. I did notice an uptick in the past couple of months, I can’t imagine how much work Rebecca has to deal with here.
With the things they’re commenting, it seems like they’re trying to mess up search engine results to block out some news site, so when searching for a news story no one can find that news site. I think I remember something like this from my cybersecurity class.
makes sense, they do look like news headlines and search phrases
Hmmmmm…….Jupiter. I wonder if that’s important.
Aww, so, I can’t ship cute fox/donkey cop? 🙁
I doubt if Rebecca is killing that story before it starts… her stories are big long and have a few twists and turns but you will see that sand dog fox again..
This takes place 12 years before the beggining of the story, though.
sorry to hear about your problems with the CCP I have seen some earlier… and they were not at all in keeping with the spirit. of which your comics are intended… I hope you find a way to block such hate speak and stupid adds.