Issue 19, Page 27
1: Vidali sits in the sleeping quarters, by the desk. It’s fully morning now, with the ceiling showing a sunny, clouded sky. She has coffee and is flicking at a tablet.
2: We see an intercom device as it speaks up up.
Xijo (from intercom): Vidali Dara! Doctor! This is Xijo Tephalis.
[untranslated Martian]
You are required at the isolation chamber immediately.
Sedjet Ahmes, he-
I need you here, now.
3: Vidali rushes down a lit hallway, looking concerned, having thrown a shirt on messily
4: She’s exiting an elevator and walking swiftly.
5: Through the glass of the observation room, we see that Sedjet is standing in the middle of the paneled isolation chamber.
Ohhh. Shit.
What’s an MTF?
Mobile Task Force, special teams that go out & complete certain tasks for whatever organization they belong to. They could be emergency workers from the government to help natural disaster victims, something like a SWAT team from a police station to arrest a small group of terrorists, or they could even be something entirely fictional like in the SCP Foundation universe where they go out & contain anomalous things or explore anomalous places.
Oh crap!
Maybe Sedjet is going to offer the monster a deal like this:
if you leave Julia, I’ll let youclimb into my skin, and take over
MY BODY instead! Oh goodness. *sweatdrop*
Let me remind you that he likely DOES have a remnant of it in him ALREADY.
Mel had had it removed by The Black Dog, nothing’s known about Sedj.
Good point! 🙂
I had forgotten about that.
I’m not sure what, or any, monsters are infesting Sedjet right now.
But, as you say- nothing’s known about Sedj. 😀
Could be that Sedj IS in fact trying something with Wossislabel-55 (Black Idol) – I doubt he’d be pleading with it, rather, trying to deliberately recreate Julia’s condition, reproducing the isolated circumstances they had pieced together from her suit’s recordings. Of course, if Sedj DOES still have that already-developed fragment (which Mel had described as “growing like mold”), that might lead to a different result…
Or he just went inside to verify the (lack of) effect of the isolation, on a presumably “clean” Earthborn sapient.
Or maybe he’s just playing Bach on those (noise-canceling?) columns 😉
Those are cool ideas!
I dunno about anyone else…, but- I would LIKE to listen to Bach, in a totally edgy, sound proofed-type room! 😀
Don’t tell me he got himself infected to test and see if the room would work for Julia…
maybe not. maybe he just sought out a “quiet place to think”.
And what happens to something suppressed when the pressure is removed?
well this is a terrifying revelation but Julia told him as much…that everyone on the planet is infected but some people can see that Julia become aware if it when she was transported to a dead world outside the influence of the one who crawls….he is experiencing what Julia experienced a cutoff from the Parasites influence
Hȩ ̕is̵ not̕ i̢n̢fected͟.
He i̢s j҉u͢s͢t wa̗ͅk̶̦̗̮͔i̱̞͇̘̤n̸͚͍̙̦g̙͎̥̩̯̟̮ ̩̙͈̤͡u̲̩̜ͅp.̶̝̪
Yes I know…
That’s a good theory.
I had so far assumed that the planet (and surroundings) Julia was on had at one point been dominated by the Black Star, which then, lacking anything to do, either left or dissolved, leaving only inert cells which ignored the “uninteresting” forms of life that were left, leaving them an emptied environment to continue to evolve in.
It could indeed be that it is instead Earth that has dormant Black Idol cells.
Kind of like most animals have mitochondria, or carbon nanotubes in neurons.
Maybe the page is supposed to look like this, but-
Is anyone else seeing what looks like broken or smeared words, in some of the comments from June 3rd, and June 4th?
Maybe my old, meaning OLD, computer is not reading the comments correctly.
yesterday and today where the Anniversary of the tiananmen square massacre that might be somthing
I think that is an intentional effect, not your computer’s fault.
Cool. Thanks! 😀
I just wanted to be sure that a virus didn’t sneka in, and beat the tar out of my computer.
Thanks! 😀
P.S.- I meant to say”sneak”, and not, “SNEKA”.
Freakin’ tired fingers! 😀