
1: Julia bounds over to Melissa.

Julia: Mel… Mel, god, there was so much of it…

Melissa: It’s okay! Julia, you’re safe!

Julia: No, I’m not, we’re not safe here!

2: The two are close, helmets tapped together. Julia is crying.

Julia: Mel, I can’t lose you to it, not again…

3: Kasun talks with Karpati and Njeri.

Kasun: It was DeKlerk, he was possessed by that black shit… it took Raynott down, there’s no way he could’ve survived…

Rati ran the other way, I haven’t seen her… and we haven’t heard from the other team…

4: Julia slides down to the ground, hyperventilating and gripping her helmet.

Melissa: No, no, Julia… shhh…

5: Melissa kneels, worried for her.

Melissa: I’m here. You’re here. Breathe slow.

Julia: I… I can’t, it…

6: Julia looks surprised as, with her hands around the back of her helmet, Melissa opens Julia’s helmet. There is a hiss of air.