
1: In his hands he rotates a model of the gear Sal left behind – info pointing to it indicates the classified coordinates/codes it contains:

RAMSONIC Mobile Internet Dish NS-Series 55X
Discovered at perimeter fence of the Sudan Particle Emissions Lab. Left by Salvino Chairez.
Receiver set to covert encrypted channels. Source of decryption codes is currently unknown.

2: He scrolls through security footage of the Kas doppelganger beside a timeline of events:

08:12:03 Doppelganger Kastos leaves hotel room.
08:14:55 Agent Everett retrieves Doppelganger Kastos from hotel lobby.
09:55:12 Agent Everett and Doppelganger Kastos arrive at facility parking lot.
10:01:45 Doppelganger Kastos enters security checkpoint B-7.
10:07:33 Doppelganger Kastos enters elevator terminal.
10:50:05 Train is delayed; Doppelganger Kastos decends.

3: He looks at deleted video leaks online of moon footage and other leaks, containing pixelated  versions of the black mass on the lunar surface.

Retrieved 2039-01-22 22:03:21
Uncensored footage of lunar surface is posted to “Stargazers Anonymous” by anonymous user, IP HDF-8E98-20GB-95A8-EE77
30 second clip filmed via mobile device through amateur telescope.

4 One hand to his forehead, he thinks as his other hand scrolls through logs of info.