Issue 12, Page 6
1: Backing up to stand behind the pedestal on which the Black Idol stands motionless, the lizard stalks its prey.
2: Hidden behind another pillar, Tucker is shaking as he tries to prepare his pistol.
3: Ikal and Hedgeworth hide behind their pillars, upright, guns at the ready.
Hedgeworth: Your ignorant race lived for centuries making castles in the dirt!
Think what our race could do with a lifespan beyond even yours, without diluting our learning every dozen years and having to train replacements!
4: Ikal ducks out the other side, low, aiming his gun.
Ikal: Just keep talking you flannel-mouthed liar.
5: Hedgeworth hears this and darts out from behind his, but has to turn around the pillar to see Ikal. He fires.
Hedgeworth: We will have an eternity for knowledge!
6: The shot hits Ikal’s pillar again: he has hunkered down, mostly hidden by his hat.
This writing is Awesome! A lotta effort went into it and is a really good evil villain speech. Although I get the feeling he doesn’t see himself as a villain and more a person trying to do the right thing.