Issue 12, Page 13
1: Ikal is lead through into the colorful landscape of the bug’s camp. Though most of it has been packed, a lot of it remains: farms of exotic alien fruits in red grass, buildings of bone and shell.
2: From behind Ikal, we see more of the distant landscape of the camp, enclosed by rock. A large animal is rested in the background, an armored, whale-like creature: the bug’s living spaceship.
3: Some of the colorful bugs, busy packing away supplies, watch Ikal.
4: Ikal gives a nervous little wave.
Ikal: …howdy?
Reading back through all this, I’m noticing stuff I missed or didn’t realise were as important.
Not going to say what, as it might spoil future things.
Like how their plants look like the stuff from Rhoda’s vision? Or how there are some suspiciously familiar flowers climbing up them? 🙂
And the giant thing in the 2nd panel…it’s face may look familiar soon…