Issue 1, Page 7
1: Melissa points up to one of the news screens.
Melissa: Are you into this sort of thing?
Julia (off screen): Yeah!
2: The two watch one of the screens which shows an info graphic about the moon. A notice board and posters advertisements for local amenities and student activities, such as a gym and laser chess.
Julia: This shit is important. We finally stopped wasting our money on fucking wars and are doing something worthwhile.
3: Part of the news cast is heard as Julia accesses her cellphone, a curved model with buttons to one side. Julia huffs derisively at the broadcast.
Broadcast (off-screen): Most of what the team brought back from the expedition are small samples of rock, dust, and ice…
Julia: Mmph.
Melissa: …hm?
Julia: It’s just funny how much they don’t tell you, that’s all.
Melissa: What do you mean?
4: Julia hands Melissa her phone, on it is a photo of unmarked boxes being transported from the shuttle by men in military green uniforms.
Julia: There are a bunch of photos people took of shit being brought in from the shuttle and kept secret. People think the found something really important up there.
Melissa: Do you believe this sort of stuff?
Julia: Do you believe everything the news tells you?
Melissa: Well…
Their language is -casual, using -words that I never use -or have ever been driven to use.
They are also armchair conspiracy theorists
The posts on the board are interesting references, i wish i could see them a bit closer though.